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Financial Planning and Analysis

Building a comprehensive and effective management information system (MIS) is one of the buidling blocks that change the way you perceive your work. 

The key areas that we will focus are:

Profitability per item

Profitability per customer

Investments on customers

Profitability per period

The next step is to start forward thinking process, by building a solid budget for the next year. Adding control points throughout business operations serve as a compass in building robust financial performance. This is the first step in profits, cash flow and dividends


Organisational and business assessment

In building a management information system, the first step we have to consider is the structure of the company and the business model applied. Certainly there are major guidelines that we use to work, and industry specifics, but one size does not fit all. We go through all areas of business, controlling and measuring all outcomes both from quality as well as quantity perspective.



Report initialization

Our objective is to produce the first report on the second month of our collaboration. We will be able to work on the data during our first month. Concurrently, we work in the data for the previous 12 months in building a draft historic report.


Delivering the reports

The reports are delivered monthly, after closing the previous month. It is important to know that there will be no more changes for the reporting period, for the reporting to be meaningfull. 

We deliver the following monthly reports:

  • Profitability

  • Balance Sheet

Moreover, we start working forward looking producing forward looking reports. You should expect to receive short term budget. 



Capturing the insights

Creating reports  is the means to the goal of creating and capturing the insights that drive your company at the next level. 

We select to present you the information that makes the most sense for your work. We discuss with you our findings and make suggestions to improve performance. Digital CFO services is all about adding value to your company with the minimum cost.

You will receive the reports along with our insights at whatever form you prefer, so that you will review our work at your comfort.

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